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Svona getur þú nálgast PIN-númer gjafakorts Airbnb

Every Airbnb gift card has a Personal Identification Number (PIN) for security purposes. You’ll need this PIN to redeem your Airbnb gift card.

Finding your gift card PIN

Both digital and physical Airbnb gift cards feature two key numbers you’ll need to unlock your balance: a card number (the longer one) and a PIN (the shorter one). For digital gift cards, you’ll receive your card number and PIN at the same time via email. Physical cards have both of these numbers on the back of the card. For security, each PIN is protected by UV ink, which we recommend scratching off gently with a coin.

What to do if your PIN is unreadable

We’ve all been there—in the excitement of redeeming a gift card, we scratch off a bit of the PIN. If your Airbnb card’s PIN is scratched off (or otherwise illegible), contact us for help. Keep this information handy when requesting support:

  • The full card number
  • Readable parts of PIN
  • The receipt from the original purchase

In some cases, Airbnb can issue a replacement, even if you can’t read the PIN on your gift card.

Var þessi grein gagnleg?

Greinar um tengt efni

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