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Hvernig gagnamiðlun virkar fyrir Airbnb vegna vinnu

Let’s dig into data sharing as it relates to your business travel on Airbnb. 

If your company has a travel partner (think travel management companies or duty of care providers), you can share booking info for business stays, so long as Airbnb also works with that travel partner. 

Depending on their services, your travel partner can use this data to help you understand how much you’re spending, keep track of where your employees are (to fulfill duty of care coverage), and more. Find out how to activate data sharing.

Terms and conditions

Sharing information with your travel partners will give them access to your Airbnb business booking information. This includes accommodation and pricing details for business stays for company personnel, and for any travelers outside your company to whom you’ve granted temporary booking access.

Airbnb and your travel partner must accept your request to share information before data sharing can occur. Your travel partner’s responsibility for use of this information will be governed by the agreements or contracts your company has with them.

Your company is the data controller for the trip data of its employees and its travelers with temporary booking access, and is responsible for your travel partner's handling of the data.

Learn more about the sharing of personal information by reading our Privacy Policy.

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