Tillögur birtast þegar slegið er inn í leitarreitinn. Notaðu örvarnar upp og niður við yfirferð. Ýttu á „enter“ til að velja. Ef nokkur orð eru valin saman eru þau notuð sem leitarstrengur. Ef tillagan er hlekkur opnast sú síða í vafranum.

Hvernig bæti ég inn- og útritunarleiðbeiningum við skráninguna mína?

You can add or update the check-in and checkout instructions for your listing in your Listing editor. Guests will see your check-in method (such as smart lock, keypad, or lock box) but they won't see the detailed check-in instructions until 48 hours before check-in. The checkout instructions are available to guests prior to booking.

Bættu við innritunarleiðbeiningum

  1. Smelltu á skráningar og veldu skráninguna sem þú vilt breyta
  2. Smelltu á komuleiðbeiningar í umsjónartóli skráningarsíðunnar
  3. Smelltu á innritunarmáta og veldu
  4. Bættu við innritunarleiðbeiningum
  5. Smelltu á vista

Check-in method options

Options available for check-in methods include:

  • Smart lock: A code or app is used to open a wifi-connected lock.
  • Keypad: Tap in a code to open an electronic lock.
  • Lockbox: A code opens a small safe with the key locked inside.
  • Building staff: Someone will be available 24 hours a day to let guests in.
  • In-person greeting: Guests will meet you or a Co-Host to pick up keys.
  • Other: You can add a different method specific to your place.

Note: Self check-in may not be available in all countries.

Bættu við útritunarleiðbeiningum

  1. Smelltu á skráningar og veldu skráninguna sem þú vilt breyta
  2. Smelltu á komuleiðbeiningar í umsjónartóli skráningarsíðunnar
  3. Smelltu á útritunarleiðbeiningarog svo á bæta við leiðbeiningum
  4. Veldu það sem við á og smelltu á vista

Checkout instructions options

Keep it simple or add up to 140 characters of optional details, let guests know what to do when they checkout.

  • Return keys: Tell your guests where to leave the keys.
  • Lock up: Ask guests to lock the doors or close the windows.
  • Turn things off: From the lights to the heating, detail what needs to be shut off.
  • Throw trash away: Does the trash need to be sorted? Let your guests know.
  • Gather used towels: Advise guests about how to deal with used towels.
  • Additional requests: Add anything specific to your place.
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